Located at the border with the city of Bergamo, Basso Serio is the most heavily populated and industrialised area in the valley. It is also the entrance to the Seriana treasure trove and the place in which the valley rises to its cultural heights.

What is there to say about Alzano Lombardo with its grandiose basilica, numerous museums (ALT and sacristies) and industrial archaeology? Simply marvellous, that’s what. But let’s not forget Nembro with its 13th century San Nicola and the Zuccarello, the economic headquarters of the Albino valley, packed with monuments and homeland of the celebrated painter G.B. Maroni, Pradalunga cradle of the whetstone and, lastly, the fascinating churches of Villa di Serio and Ranica.

And the backdrop for all of this is the Parco del Serio, its gentle hills and an extraordinary collection of events and festivals.

Source: www.valseriana.eu

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Pišite na Basso Serio

IAT Val Seriana e Val di Scalve
via Europa 111/c, I-24028 Ponte Nossa

+39 035 704063
+39 035 0662593
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